Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Daily Announcements for 1/12/2016

Yearbook recognition ads for the class of 2016 are on Sale now until January 27th. Purchase a recognition ad for anyone in the senior class by sending in photos and quotes for the yearbook staff to create that special memory. Talk to any yearbook staff member to get pricing. Seniors don't forget to talk to parents about getting your baby ad in before the 27th.

High School students - be sure to check the postings for mid-year assessments in the main office window -- know the time and place of your exams!

There will be a Quiz Team Match tomorrow (1/13).  Bus leaves LMHS at 5:45.  Let Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall know if you plan on attending!

Wildcat Lanyards are available from the senior class!!  They are only $5 each.  Please see Mrs. Amy Verdi or Ms. Patel to purchase.

Attention Seniors: Class dues are $80 which can be paid in full or divided into 2 payments of $40 for Quarters 2 and 3.  Payments can be submitted on the school's website or to Mrs. Patel or Mrs. Verdi.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Cheeseburgers or fish sandwich