Friday, January 8, 2016

Daily Announcements for 1/8/2016

High School students - be sure to check the postings for mid-year assessments in the main office window -- know the time and place of your exams!

There will be a meeting for all Academic Decathlon members on Monday, January 11th in Mr. Hall's room right after school.

There will be a Quiz Team Match on Jan. 13.  Bus leaves LMHS at 5:45.  Let Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall know if you plan on attending!

There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday, January 11 through January 27 from 2:45-5:15 p.m.  Any student who will be 15 years and 9 months or older on January 11 can sign up in the main office.

Wildcat Lanyards are available from the senior class!!  They are only $5 each.  Please see Mrs. Amy Verdi or Ms. Patel to purchase.

Attention Seniors: Class dues are $80 which can be paid in full or divided into 2 payments of $40 for Quarters 2 and 3.  Payments can be submitted on the school's website or to Mrs. Patel or Mrs. Verdi.