Thursday, September 13, 2018

Daily Announcements for 9/13/2018

There will be a GSA meeting a after school today in Mrs. Verdi’s room (C112).

It is time to order your Yearbook at the year's lowest price and get four free icons. Yearbook staff members will be outside the cafeteria during both lunches today (9/13). Make sure to pick up your flyer and order form, or bring in your deposit.

The following college reps will visit the high school this week.  Any junior or senior who wants to meet with the rep can sign up on Naviance or in the office with Ms. Mottarella:  today (9/13) UMass Amherst at 11 a.m.

Attention all seniors: Please sign up with an officer to bring in food and other items for the Taste of Lee fundraiser. All items need to be brought in to Señora's room by the end of the day today (9/13). See Señora with any questions. 

Anyone interested in the House Rep position should turn in forms to a House Teacher by today (9/13). A copy of the form is linked on the House Classroom site.

If you'd like to run for Junior Class Officer please let Mrs. Paul or Mrs. Briggs know by tomorrow 9/14.  Officer positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.  More information to come later in the week.

We will be running a food drive, please bring non-perishables and toiletries to your house teacher by tomorrow 9/14.

There will be a Junior Class Meeting on Monday (9/17) 12:00 pm. Juniors running for class office are invited to speak at the Junior class meeting on Monday (9/17)

The Social Justice Club will meet after school on Wednesday, September 19th, in Mrs. McEvoy's room, C 103.

Founder’s Day 5K Run will be Saturday, September 15 at 8 a.m.  Registration forms are available in the main office.

St. Mary’s School Edu5Ktion run/walk will be Saturday, September 29 at 9 a.m. Registration forms are  in the main office and at

There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday, Sept. 17 thru Friday, Sept. 28 from 2:45-5:45.  You must be 15 years and 9 months old by Monday (9/17).  You can sign up in the main office.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Whole wheat pasta with meat or marinara sauce

Have a nice day!