Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Daily Announcements for 9/5/2018

Just a reminder that today will be school picture day.  Payments must be made at the camera if you want to order pictures.  All students must have pictures taken for your ID’s.  Flyers are available in the main office and info is on the school website.

Attention seniors! If you'd like to run for a class officer, please let Senora Antil or Mrs. Naventi know by tomorrow morning. 

Founder’s Day 5K Run will be Saturday, September 15 at 8 a.m.  Registration forms are available in the main office.

St. Mary’s School Edu5Ktion run/walk will be Saturday September 29 at 9 a.m. Registration forms are  in the main office and at

We will be running a food drive, please bring non-perishables and toiletries to your house teacher by Friday 9/14.

Sign-up sheets for Quiz Team, Academic Decathlon and Mock Trial are in the front office. Please sign up by next Tuesday.

Anyone interested in the House Rep position should turn in forms to a House Teacher by next Thursday, September 13. A copy of the form is linked on the House Classroom site.

Students driving to school are required to have a parking pass on their vehicle in order to park in the student parking lot.  You may pick up a registration form in the principal’s office.  If you already have a sticker on your vehicle from last year you do not need a new one.

Please see Ms. Clark in the Art Room by the end of this week if you are interested in creating a logo for your house and want to collaborate on the House Crest design. Your design will be due to Ms. Clark by the end of September.

Anyone interested in joining the GSA, we will meet in Ms. Science Verdi’s room Thursday 9/6 after school. 

LMHS Students are invited to audition for “Oliver” in the LES CAFETERIA on September 11 at 3:30.
There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday, Sept. 17 thru Friday, Sept. 28 from 2:45-5:45.  You must be 15 years and 9 months old by the date that the class starts.  You can sign up in the main office.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  French toast sticks & sausage