Monday, September 23, 2019

Daily Announcements for 9/23/2019

There will be a meeting for those Juniors & Seniors interested in a spring trip to Washington, DC tomorrow (9/24) during 2nd Lunch... location will be announced that day!

Anyone interested in joining the Helping Hands, there will be a meeting in Mrs. Wade's NEW ROOM (C112) after school tomorrow (9/24).  We would love some new members!!!

Auditions for the Shakespeare Fall Festival will be held this Wednesday (9/25) and Thursday (9/26) from 3-5 and 6-8 in the Z. Please attend one or more sessions if you are interested.

Signups for Academic Decathlon, Quiz Team, and Mock Trial are in the front office. Any student interested should sign up. Any questions, please see Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall.

The following college reps will be at the school this week, any junior or senior who would like to meet with the reps can sign up on Naviance:  today (9/23) Worcester Polytechnic Institute (9 a.m.), Champlain College (10 a.m.), and Dean College (1 p.m.); Wed. (9/25) UMass Amherst (9 a.m.) and Bentley University (1 p.m.); Thurs. (9/26) Boston University (10 a.m.) and Roger Williams University (1 p.m.)
All student portal VISION accounts have been reset for the new year.  Pick up your temporary password in the main office!
High school students wanting a planner ... you can pick one up in the Principal's Office
There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning today (9/23) thru Monday, Oct. 7 from 3:00-5:30 Monday-Friday in room A124.  You must be 15 years and 9 months old on or by today to sign up for the class. To register, pick up a form in the main office.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at 

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Chicken nuggets